Friday, January 14, 2005

Tooth Fairy

97 lost a top front tooth today. And then she truly lost the tooth. What to do? Why, just jot the Tooth Fairy (TF) a note explaining the matter. Sorted.

Actually, she was quite upset about it. After all, how will the TF find me and will she believe the tragic story?

Big Sis to the rescue. Thus, the Tooth Fairy Method, according to 94:

1) TF has a giant tooth map, which shows all people's mouths, everywhere
2) Said map is color coded, with different tooth stati showing in different colors
3) Using the map, TF has unequivocal evidence of 97's tragedy
4) I guess TF points to the mouth on the map and, ZAP, she is transformed into vapor to remain undetected, floats into the room, takes the tooth, leaves appropriate compensation, points to home on the map, and...
5) ZOOOM! TF is teleported directly back to TF land

According to 94, she's sure about this because, after all, she's had 10 years to figure it out.

Love love love love!

Waking Dream

Don't you love those dreams you have where you can control the action?

As I drifted off last night I had the most wonderful dream. I can't possibly describe it here because you know how nonsensical dreams can be. It involved me at a much younger age offering aid to a girl I guess I knew. We fell madly in love. All in about 5 seconds. It left me with a feeling of such hope and peace because I've actually had those experiences, though not the same circumstances. I'm very blessed.

Unfortunately I woke back up too soon, and couldn't return to that place. That's okay though, because the memory remains. Rare with me and dreams.

Also, the dream affected me so that I couldn't return to sleep. I got up and puttered about and went back to bed at about midnight, then lie awake thinking until about 2:30.

What did I think about? You know, I'm only 40 (and still get carded buying beer): I could shape up a bit and be quite the stud. These past two years since the divorce I've had absolutely no desire to do that. Until now.
