Check out the rainbow I followed all the way to Green Bay last month.
Still not moved out of the old place completely, but getting ever closer. Nice to be in downtown, steps away from everything. The girls absolutely love Moonbeam, and love the apartment too.
X is still a pain. Her latest is: "I don't think the kids should stay with you overnight because they don't have beds." Like hell they don't. I've gotten them full sized inflatable matresses and new bed linens that they chose. I guess that's not conventional enough for X, though. Tough.
By the way, I sleep on an air mattress too, and I highly highly recommend it. No more tossing and turning, no back pain. The only problem is getting out of bed!
Alas, I am still unemployed. One and a half months seems forever, and money is very low. But I've never been happier. This time off is very good for me. And very scary.
I've spent more time with Mom and Sis and the boys over the last two months than in many years. That alone is worth the price of unemployment.
I've paid off the car! My hoopty is really MINE!!
Gotta go for now. Keep praying for me, it really helps.