"You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." -John Kerry, 10/30/2006
What a tragic statement. What a tragic man. Shame on you, John Kerry!
The Scarriey is up to his old tricks. Then after he puts his foot in his mouth, the damocrats have to get after him to make a so called apology and he forgets about this and starts attacking the Publicans and Bush. Scarriey thinks he was letting people know he is a "real man"???, but sorry he just won't ever make the cutt!!
John Kerry is Catholic and is a lost soul and needs to know the SAVING GRACE OF JESUS CHRIST.
Thanks for posting Scarriey's comments.
Steve Mason
Steve, I didn't realize Kerry purported to be a Catholic. Wow, another reason to not like the hypocrite -- like I needed another reason.
Still, he is God's creation and has a divine spark, and a purpose on this earth. I love him even though I can't stand him...
But I also love each of the men and women who have died fighting in the middle-east. And I love their families. I was sickened to hear Kerry defame them. This was no "joke gone bad", and he sure as heck didn't mean W when he said those things.
John Kerry seems to me to be a person never quite able to attain his goals, and takes this out on others who have. I pray for him.
Thanks for your comment, Steve, and read on.
I don't agree with you I see what he said in another way. Most of the soldiers went to the army because they couldn't get a job elsewhere and who thought about Irak ? It was quite easy to be a soldier in the States. But if you have good education you can choose another job and not go to the army that's what he meant (I suppose)
You should read the posts, american soldiers write from Irak, this is so sad and so many lifes thrown away only for Bush's petrol and personal interests.
And Mr.Steve Mason should know that there are much more catholics in this world, most of European countries and South America, Africa etc than protestants (I am not catholic, my husband is) Here in Belgium there are 90 % catholics. And they are all idiots ? He, he and the bible is written for everybody poor soul.
Gattina, with all due respect, I know many soldiers and vets. Believe me, most of them sacrificed lucrative private sector jobs to serve our country. Even an NFL player quit his million dollar job to serve. There are probably some who joined thinking it was "easy money", but I bet they washed out or changed their tune.
As for the war being prosecuted for Bush's personal interests, that sounds like quite the conspiracy. Face it: Sadaam killed thousands of his own citizens and was a despot. He defied several UN resolutions. The war began as a coalition, not Bush being a cowboy. I distrust politicians of ALL stripes, but I don't think any would kill our kids for their own gain.
I am Catholic, but believe God has already saved us all, no matter our religion. We can do nothing on this earth to condemn us or to deserve salvation. But we can participate in evil, or choose to do good. We will answer for our choices.
As for Steven Mason's comment, I took it to mean that even though Kerry CLAIMS to be Catholic, he seems to not be following the church's teachings. I don't think Steve meant to say being Catholic is bad.
Keep reading, Gattina. I appreciate the post.
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