Monday, February 28, 2005


DISCLAIMER: The following is a mild rant. Prolonged exposure, including conentrating and inhaling vapors may be harmful or fatal.

I spent $500 on a video card. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, PEOPLE!! Now, that alone probably makes me appear to be an impulsive geek, but alot of research went into selecting this thing.

For FIVE HUNDRED FU&$ING DOLLARS, you'd think it could play nice with my other hardware. BUT NOOOOOOOOO! Like some sort of digital prima donna, the card had plopped its fat, spoiled ass down right on my firewire resources. And it won't budge. And I'm getting no help. And I'm pissed. I am very tempted to return this temperamental resource hog, but it produces amazing graphics.

They've got me.

So, I ordered a new firewire card in hopes that it will placate this self-proclaimed master of my PC. If not, back the video card goes.

### END RANT ###