Friday, April 08, 2005

Stupid Office Tricks Redux

Whew. I think I'm back. Cherry, thanks for the desire to see pictures! You can see them in my last post.

Okay, so I got back to work on Monday, and I just wanted to plant myself in the chair and catch up on my 300 or so emails. I go to get my water and a coworker says "Oh, back from celebrating your 50th birthday?!" I say "No, just a vacation." And I wonder what she's been smoking. Then I loiter around with various people, then finally get to MY OFFICE! MY OFFICE! Have you ever felt totally busted? I mean brought to rights. What I'm asking is, have you ever had a totally effective and somewhat elaborate practical joke played on you?

I did. My office door was covered with 50th birthday tissue and black balloons, along with streamers that read "Oh no, the big "50" five-oh". My office proper was bedecked with a shit load of the same. Nice.

Let me pause here and disclaim that I was born in 1964. Do the freakin' math.

Reading my emails, I see one from a coworker with a subject of "Happy Birthday!". Bastard.

I've had about 100 coworkers stop me in the hall or come in to my office to lament that I don't LOOK 50. When I explain to them that I'm not, they ask "then WHY the decor?". Because my vacation happened to fall over April Fool's Day. Oh. Hah hah hah hah hah.

Real freakin funny.

I got him back somewhat by circulating a picture of the Holy Father with his face on it with a bold caption underneath.

Tee Shirts seem appropriate.
