Saturday, July 09, 2005

How 'bout a TEKEN Packers License Plate?

To the World: Cherry, you inspire me. Thanks alot. What a fucking burden. Again, thanks.


Okay, so, for the most important question of the day: should I spend 40 bucks for a vanity Green Bay Packers license plate for the hoopty that reads TEKEN? Huh? Should I? Must I? Oh, I think so. But please, I so love your feedback.

The Teken proginy and I spent five hours swimming at Sunnyvale Park this afternoon. What a blast! Thank you, God, for: 1) Sunscreen, and 2) Banana Boat After Sun. Got my atomic-white skin so burnt last weekend that I needed both this weekend.

No word from X today. Thank you God.

I am way into country music this year. Never thought I'd be there. Never. My current favs are:

Rascal Flats "Fast Cars and Freedom"
"Billy's Got His Beer Goggles On"
"Keg in the Closet"
"That's What I Love About Sundays"
"Hick Town" with lyrics including "you get a line, I'll get a pole, we'll go fishin' at the crawfish hole. Five card poker on Saturday night, church on Sunday mornin'."

Rascal Flatts lead singer sounds like a girl. Ask the fruit of my loins.