Friday, July 01, 2005


Really busy right now. More bullet points:
  • X has a brain tumor, no, not kidding, it's benign, kids are a bit stressed but doing okay
  • I'm moved (more or less)
  • Love my new place
  • Need advice, want to buy a domain, what do you think:,, any other suggestions?

Hate making these posts so infrequent and sparse, but the sheezit is really hitting the fan right now. Could use all y'all's prayers. Please.

1 comment:

Cherry Moon said...

Oh my gosh, Teken!! I'm so sorry about X!! Wow! How scary... even though it's benign (thank GOD), it's still frightening.

And you only give us bulleted info? Ack!

I'm totally keeping you in prayer :) I'll pass it on.