Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Droppin' PLATES

Tania, a coworker, left early yesterday, so I had to play a trick on her. Mandatory!

She had a stack of bright red plastic plates in her drawer. I spread them out over her desk, like a tea party. Even tacked one to her wall. Her roomy thought it would be good to put water in each plate, but I resisted. She didn't see them until today. I also spread her Carmex on the space bar of her keyboard. This is what computer geeks do. What can I say. Oh, I also opened her ubrella and put it on her desk.

Anywhooo, her reaction to the plates was awesome. She was like "Singing In The Rain". She tried to tell me that the Carmex ruined her keyboard. Nice try.

Today I put lip balm on Joe's planner. Let's wait to see what happens there...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hard to believe you're divorced.