Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Hostage Web Site Apathy

Right. So I found out that web users trying to check out their appointments, going to the clinic web site could be redirected to a vagabond web site if they forgot to put a period between "my" and "(the name of our site)". I brought this to the attention of our support team, and they were all like "who cares". Well, shit, I do, since I discovered it.

The bogus website misleads users into thinking they're at our site. My suggestion was "let's buy the domain".

The response from the "support" team was"that users need to learn to type the right URL"! Not cool. This is an easy mistake for our customers to make. Then the "support" team gave me all sorts of hell over my suggestion.

I love every member of the "support" team dearly. Even now.

Turns out to be a known issue. I placed a bet with the team that this would result in us buying the domain.

I know I'm right... I hope.

Oh, BTW, Bo Bice will SOOO win Idol.

1 comment:

Cherry Moon said...

Buy the damn domain, already ;)

Bo Bice rocks, but I don't think he'll win. Wanna wager something on that?